Scring-a-ding-a-ding-ding! This is the official HQ page of the webring of Fennaixelphox, created for my friends to link each other's sites together!
Sorry it's kind of boring right now. We're just getting started. Once everything is all set up I'll focus more on making this site pretty and whatnot.
"What's a webring?"
Back in the early days of the Internet, before you had fancy tools like Google or SEO or social media for finding other people's websites, you had to get creative with how you got your website out there. To help facilitate this, groups of people would form "webrings," which are exactly what they sound like: a ring of websites. Each site in the ring links to two others, and the final result would look something like this:
A <-> B <-> C <-> D <-> E <-> A
with some room for rearranging where B, C, D and E are located on the ring. The arrows represent sites mutually linking to one another, forming a closed loop. When webrings first started being made, you had to manually set the links yourself, but nowadays, we have tools that will do it for you!
"So how do I join?"
If you'd like to join us, click this link to join the webring!
If the ring is broken, please submit an error report on GitHub.
Members (3)